The past couple of weeks, were crazy! The three of us got a really bad case of stomach flu, then I was in the transition of my two part-time jobs to my new full time job. So for a week I was trying to recover from a whole week of crazy sickness, work 3 jobs, and have a life. But my awesome husband/chef/lover/best friend saved me from insanity.
When I started dating him. I was too young to think about how our married life was going to be if one day I decided to married him. Never crossed my mind if he was a guy that would help me with the house chores, if he was willing to help me taking care of the kids, if he was going to be the kind of guy that prefers to hang out with his wife than with his friends.
Then... after like 12 years dating we got married. And 3 months after we were moving to Canada. I have to confess, that it was until them, that I started wondering how living together was going to be. Because even when we have been together for so long, being husband and wife wasn't going to be the same as being boyfriend and girlfriend.
And guess what??? That first year that everybody hates, because of all the adjusting of being together. Well, thank goodness we didn't experience that.
I have the best husband. The one that it's not afraid to help in the house. The one that will actually push me to go out with friends instead of staying home, the one that cooks for me, and even send me to work with lunch. The one that I can leave alone with our kid for hours and he won't phone me every 10 minutes not knowing what to do with the baby.
A few weeks ago we switched roles. I am not a full time worker, and he is a staying home dad. Yes, he is the kind of man that was actually looking forward to stay home with his kid! And you know what??? He is AMAZING! He takes Fernando for walks, run errants with him, cooks supper for us, he sends me to work with lunch, and it is just lovely to see him bonding with his kid!
So my conclusion after 3 years of marriage is: If you are going to marry somebody, he better be a chef! He is manly enough that he won't think that cooking is for girls! hahaha. Just saying

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