Friday, May 27, 2011

baby gourmet


two weeks ago Fer had an appointment with the pediatrician and the nutritionist ! and it went super good. He slowed down his growing rate, he lost weight, and they both said he is a very healthy happy baby.
We had an awesome chat with the nutritionist about how now you can feed EVERYTHING (except honey) to babies older than 6 months! Oh my! she opened a whole world to us! hehehe
In Mexico, babies usually eat everything at 6 months, and we do not have a high percentage of allergies. As a matter of fact, you never see the "Nuts free" anywhere.
Can you imagine daddy's face when he got the good news????? yup yup. huge smile and eyes wide opened!

Guess what happened next?? Well Daddy ran to the supermarket and got all sort of herbs, meats, veggies, etc. and the gourmet baby food started!

I just love seen our little guy eating all kind of meals, and he actually enjoys it.

Here is some of his favore meals so far:
Minestrone soup
Fish with mint, garlic and herbs
lentils with all kind of veggies
lemongrass rice and beef

We are trying to expose him to as many ingredients as we can. Hoping to avoid having a fuzzy eater. I know, kids at some point become fuzzy eater, but hey, it's good to dream once in a while. hahaha

I think my hubby should start a gourmet baby food business, hehehe


  1. I agree to letting kids try all kinds of food. They go through stages where they don't like certain things, but the younger they are when they try something new the better chance it will just be normal to them!

    I'm about to start Evie on solids, I may have to try some new recipes from you guys!


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About Me

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Mixing the folklore of a Mexican background with the sweet world of the Canadian maple syrup! It can lead to an amazing combination :)
