Thursday, June 23, 2011

Swinging- 9 months!

Fernando turned 9 months old a couple of weeks ago. Wow where did my little baby go!!
Just realizing that he has been into this world just about the same time he spent in my belly.

We have been having so much fun with him now that summer is here and we are getting some nice weather.
We take long walks to the park, go for a picnic, have sunday lunch out in the patio. Just loving the fact that we can take Fernando out with a SINGLE layer of clothes, open toe shoes and some of his skin exposed hahahaha! He is actually getting "morenito" (darker skin). Now he looks more mexican, hahaha.

We went for his first swing ride to the park. And I don't really know how to describe the adventure hehehe. We decided to ride our bikes to the park, so Fernando was in his bike trailer with the helmet on. He had wore the helmet before, but for some reason this time he decided that he did NOT want to wear it. So after having to stop every block to adjust his helmet, we got to the park with a baby having a huge meltdown. Obviously when he sat him on the swing he wasn't happy at the beginning but eventually he enjoyed it.







Monday, June 13, 2011

excuse the mess but...

my blog is under reno! hahahaha

I really need to fix the way it looks

hopefully it will be done soon!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


3 years ago I saw my hubby taking a plane to Canada. He was on his way to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to start on a new job. He left the on a plane the day of my birthday :(

We went to Monterrey City airport to drop him off, and I came home to celebrate what it would be my last birthday at my parents'
It was a sweet and sour birthday for me.

Then I moved to Canada 3 months after Cesar came here. We went for a walk down the river. Sat at this bench, and start dreaming and planning our new life and what we were expecting of the new adventure in Saskatoon.

and 3 years later I look at this photo and all I can think is that I am so happy we made the decision of moving here.


This 30th birthday was very special for me for many reasons and that is why I decided to celebrate it for a few days! hehehe

1. they say 30's is the best decade, and I am starting to believe it! I feel at the best stage of my life. Accomplished quite a few things that I wanted to be at this age, and there still many things to accomplish but I feel that I keep getting closer to them!
2. I have shared half of my birthdays with my husband!!! Yes, it is official, I have spent half of my life with him. One of the best things in our relationship is the fact that we grew up together. We went from being teenages to adults!
3. 3rd year since the Canada adventure started! And we finally got to the point we wanted to be when moved to Canada. Celebrating this year as a Canadian Permanent resident!
4. and now we are 3! I have a cute little family now.

So, thank you everybody that joined the celebration. Thanks for the good wishes, love, hugs, presents, surprises, company, etc. Oh and thanks my hubby for cooking amazing appetizers for the party!

So far... my favorite birthday

About Me

My photo
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Mixing the folklore of a Mexican background with the sweet world of the Canadian maple syrup! It can lead to an amazing combination :)
